The Ohio Department of Health has issued guidelines that include both Mandatory and Recommended Best Practices for Gyms and Restaurants.
Spacing, Capacity, Numbers
- Mark every third locker for non-use in gyms.
- Remove any casual seating other than benches by lockers.
- Clean and disinfect public areas and restrooms every two hours.
- Independent showers must be sanitized between each use.
- Close-off communal style showers, except for rinsing before and after any pool activity.
- Ensure supplies for handwashing are fully stocked every time the bathroom is cleaned.
- Close-off steam rooms and saunas.
- Store towels in covered and sanitized containers.
- Ensure employees handling towels wear gloves and face covering.
- Restroom facilities should limit the number of users at any one time based on the facility.
Recommended Best Practices
- Set aside specific hours for vulnerable populations.
- Provide space at entrances or in lobby areas for check-ins.
- Hand washing or sanitization upon entry to facility.
- Have sanitizer available throughout the facility.
- Provide EPA-approved disinfectants or disinfecting wipes for sanitizing equipment before and after use by clients.
- Routine disinfection of high-contact surfaces.
- Deep cleaning after hours or during low-use times for 24-hour facilities.
Recommended Best Practices
- Provide foot pedals to open doors, or prop doors open to avoid contact.
- Post signs requiring social distancing and recommending face coverings.
- Post reminder signage for handwashing, sanitization of equipment, distancing, etc.
Recommended Best Practices
- Post sign with COVID-19 screening questions.
- Post directional signage to encourage separation of entrances and exits.
Air Circulation
Recommended Best Practices
- Limit use of fans.
- Place fans to blow away from members/clients.
- Open exterior doors when possible.
- If owner has access, open fresh air handlers.
Locker Rooms and Public Restrooms
- Mark every other or every third locker for non-use.
- Assigned lockers are not required to be disabled.
- Remove any casual seating other than benches by lockers as necessary.
- Clean and disinfect public areas and restrooms every two hours.
- Independent showers must be sanitized between each use.
- Close-off communal style showers except for rinsing before and after any pool activity.
- Ensure supplies for handwashing are fully stocked every time the bathroom is cleaned.
- Close-off steam rooms and saunas.
- Towels are to be stored in covered, sanitized containers that are clearly delineated clean versus soiled.
- Restroom facilities should limit the number of users at any one time based on the facility. These facilities should be cleaned/sanitized per CDC recommended protocol.
Recommended Best Practices
- Discourage use of locker rooms.
- Encourage members/clients to arrive dressed for a workout and clean up at home.
- Electrostatic disinfection services
- Facial coverings (masks) should be cloth/fabric and cover an individual’s nose, mouth, and chin.)
- Provide written justification upon request, explaining why an employee is not required to wear a facial covering.
- Maintain at least six feet from other employees and members/clients unless instruction makes it impractical
Recommended Best Practices
- Screen for temperature, history, exposure in accordance with CDC recommendations every work period (if symptomatic for illness, do not allow to work).
- Stagger shifts, breaks, and lunches to avoid mass entry/exit.
- Wear gloves when appropriate and possible.