Why Consider Enviro-Master Services Commercial Drain Cleaning Service in Grand Rapids, MI?
The last thing you want is to create a workplace that is unsafe or malodorous for your employees. By investing in commercial drain cleaning services, you’re taking a step in the right direction. Our service is better than most in that we utilize organic means of addressing the problem before it becomes a problem rather than a reactive method of treating the problem that is already occurring.
You can keep your workplace clog and odor-free while keeping employee morale high and avoiding the loss of customers due to unpleasant odors from your drains. Contact Enviro-Master Services of Grand Rapids today to learn more about our drain cleaning services and how they can help your business.
Drain Treatment
Why is drain treatment important
- Fats, oils, and greases (“FOG”) can lead to clogged or slow moving drains
- Drain buildup can cause foul odors that cause employee and customer dissatisfaction
- Flies and other pests use drains as a food source and breeding ground
- Regular drain service can reduce grease trap cleanouts and the need for plumbers
Why Enviro-Master?
- Save time and money by letting the hygiene experts keep your drain lines running clean
- Our foaming drain line service treats the entire surface of the pipe (360 degrees) as the foam travels through the drain system
- The unique formula of our drain line treatment digests fats, oils, and greases and turns them into carbon dioxide and water
- Drain lines are best serviced weekly to keep buildup down and more flies from breeding, let our technicians stay on top of this so you don’t have to
Enviro-Master Services Offers Commercial Drain Cleaning & Treatment to Businesses in Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids, MI is one of the rare U.S. cities that offers something amazing to do during every season of the year. From canoeing and showing a little lake love in the summer, to hiking and biking in spring and fall, to snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and ice skating in winter, there is something to enjoy in every season. Fun and games are things Grand Rapids Michiganders know very well. But when it is time to get to work, few places in the world do it better. That is why you want to reward the people who work for you with Enviro-Master Services drain maintenance treatment services to keep your workspaces free of odors and drain clogs that can cause all manner of unpleasantness in the workplace.
Who is Enviro-Master Services of Grand Rapids, MI
Enviro-Master Services is an innovative leader when it comes to commercial drain cleaner and various other commercial cleaning services in the United States and Canada. Our mission is to protect your business, the people who work for your business, and those who patronize your business. We offer many commercial cleaning, sanitation, and hygiene solutions to further our mission, including our commercial drain cleaning service in Grand Rapids, MI.
Why Do Businesses Need Drain Maintenance Treatment?
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “prevention is the best cure,” a dozen or more times throughout your life. You’ll probably hear it a few dozen more before your life is over. It’s one of those sayings that keeps coming up because it is true. This theory is certainly correct when it comes to drain maintenance treatment with Enviro-Master Services.
Our commercial drain cleaner helps all types of retail businesses, including restaurants, bars, gyms, schools, and medical facilities. Our mission is to keep your drains clean and clear of clogs, and the odors these clogs create. We accomplish this mission by using a foam made of bio-active enzymes that eat the “crud” from inside your pipes to keep things flowing freely. We re-administer the foam weekly to avoid any potential buildup from occurring.
Specific locations where you might be interested in applying our drain maintenance treatment include the following:
- Gym locker rooms
- Retail restrooms
- Restaurant kitchens
- Office and manufacturing breakrooms
- Medical facilities
- School gyms, kitchens, etc.
- Warehouse breakrooms
As you can see, there are plenty of places where our commercial drain cleaner is essential. This includes workplaces of all types.
Protect your customers