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If you want to get started or learn more, you can reach out to us today. Our team will learn about your operation so we can provide personalized services that match what you’re looking for. There’s no need to simply deal with nasty drains that always clog and smell bad – you can trust our team to clean your drains.

Drain Treatment

Why is drain treatment important

  • Fats, oils, and greases (“FOG”) can lead to clogged or slow moving drains
  • Drain buildup can cause foul odors that cause employee and customer dissatisfaction
  • Flies and other pests use drains as a food source and breeding ground
  • Regular drain service can reduce grease trap cleanouts and the need for plumbers

Why Enviro-Master?

  • Save time and money by letting the hygiene experts keep your drain lines running clean
  • Our foaming drain line service treats the entire surface of the pipe (360 degrees) as the foam travels through the drain system
  • The unique formula of our drain line treatment digests fats, oils, and greases and turns them into carbon dioxide and water
  • Drain lines are best serviced weekly to keep buildup down and more flies from breeding, let our technicians stay on top of this so you don’t have to

What Our Customers Say

Jason Keller

Shawn and Sarah visited my store and noticed that it appeared as though their regular guy assigned to our store had been missing the mark. They immediately brought it to my attention and asked if I had seen him for a while which I hadn't. They apologized for the break in service and came back the next day and did an outstanding detail clean. Their attention to detail and polite handling of execution was well above expectations. Thank you for the fantastic job!

Lou Speer

Misty and her team are courteous and do a great job of communicating with our team. It is a relief and a delight the moment she walks into the restaurant. I couldn’t be more pleased with the service that their employees provide.

Enviro-Master Services Offers Commercial Drain Cleaning & Treatment for Omaha, Nebraska Businesses

Clogged and dirty drains can severely affect business operations. Customers are likely to notice unpleasant odors, which can lead to negative reviews and a loss of business. Additionally, employees may find it challenging to work in an environment with poor drainage, impacting their well-being and productivity.

Enviro-Master’s Weekly Drain Treatment Solution

Our Comprehensive Drain Treatment Process

Enviro-Master’s Weekly Drain Treatment Service tackles drain-related issues head-on with our innovative Foaming Drain Line Treatment. Our process includes:

  • Initial Shock Treatment: We start by shocking the system to attack fats, oils, greases, and odors.
  • Weekly Foam Treatment: Our enzyme-rich foam is injected into all drains and drain lines, covering the entire internal surface to facilitate bio-active digestion.

This method effectively breaks down grease, food particles, and biological waste, leaving your drainage system clear and odor-free.

Benefits of Weekly Maintenance

Opting for weekly drain treatments offers several advantages:

  • Consistent Prevention: Regular treatments prevent blockages and ensure your drains function smoothly.
  • Odor Control: Our enzyme bio-active foam eliminates unpleasant odors, creating a fresher environment.
  • Hygienic Workplace: Maintaining clean drains contributes to a healthier workspace, reducing the risk of health issues.
  • Cost Savings: Preventative maintenance helps avoid expensive plumbing repairs by addressing issues before they become major problems.

Where Weekly Drain Treatment Works Best

Applications in Businesses

Our Weekly Drain Treatment Service is effective in various areas within your business, including:

  • Restrooms: High-traffic restrooms that require frequent maintenance to prevent clogs and odors.
  • Kitchens: Commercial kitchens that accumulate grease and food particles, which can lead to blockages.
  • Common Drainage Points: Any other areas with significant drain usage that need regular attention.

Why Choose Enviro-Master for Your Weekly Drain Treatment

Expertise and Experience

Our technicians are highly trained and experienced in handling commercial drain systems. They understand the complexities of these systems and know how to keep them functioning optimally.


Enviro-Master is committed to providing consistent and reliable service. You can count on us to deliver high-quality drain treatments every week, ensuring your drains remain clear and functional.


We offer flexible scheduling options to minimize disruption to your business. Our team works around your operational hours to provide service at a time that is most convenient for you.

Contact Enviro-Master of Omaha

To keep your drains clear and your business running smoothly, choose Enviro-Master of Omaha for your weekly drain treatment needs.

Get a free quote or call today!

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