Enviro-Master of Raleigh provides comprehensive restroom cleaning services to keep facilities fresh, sanitized, and well-stocked. Our team tackles high-touch surfaces, floors, and fixtures, helping reduce the spread of germs and creating a cleaner, more inviting restroom experience for all users.
Restroom Hygiene Services in Raleigh
Restroom & Hygiene Service
Any business restroom environment, including:
- Gyms
- Offices
- Retail
- Restaurants
- Stadiums
- Grocery Stores
- Industrial Facilities
Steps in the Service:
- Replace air freshener
- Clean all toilets and urinals and sinks
- Replace all urinal screens
- Refill all paper towels and toilet paper
- Stock enough paper to last until the next service
- Service and refill all soap and hand sanitizer dispensers
- Electrostatic spray all surfaces
Why Enviro-Master:
- Best price in the market
- Best service level in the market
- Soap is FREE with the service
- This service saves you time and money
- This service keeps employees and customers SAFE
Enviro-Master Offers Commercial Bathroom Cleaning Services to Businesses in Raleigh, North Carolina
You’ve chosen to live and work in “The City of Oaks,” also known as Raleigh, North Carolina. Maybe you’ve got a small business near downtown, or perhaps a tech company in the Research Triangle Park. Whatever your business, you know that keeping yourself and your employees healthy is just one way to help maintain productivity.
But sometimes in the rush to create the next product, or be sure that your customers are happy, business owners and managers can skip over some seemingly trivial things like their restroom cleaning services. This will appear trivial until half your workforce is out sick due to the latest pathogen. And not surprisingly, your employees contracted it in the restroom.
Enviro-Master’s Commercial Cleaning Services
At Enviro-Master Services we offer bathroom cleaning services in the Raleigh area. We’re the leading professional commercial cleaning services in the region, with years of experience as a commercial cleaning company. We offer cleaning services whether you’re a restaurant, a tech startup, a hospital, or a large corporation.
We offer the following services:
- Restroom and Hygiene Service
- Hand Hygiene Program
- Paper Management Program
- Electrostatic Spraying Service
- Drain Treatment Services
- Tile and Grout Deep Cleaning Service
- COVID-19 Cleaning Service
Why You Need Our Bathroom Cleaning Services
It’s no secret that public restrooms harbor germs. Some of them are deadly pathogens like the virus that causes COVID-19, and most of them can make your employees sick. These bacteria and viruses lurk everywhere on surfaces. Some are carried in on people’s hands; others, get sprayed into the air every time someone flushes a toilet. A “clean” bathroom will often hide thousands or more of germs waiting to infect you and your team.
Trust Enviro-Master Services Professional Commercial Cleaning Services to Get Rid of the Germs
When it comes to eliminating pathogens on surfaces, no one beats Enviro-Master Services as a cleaning company. We visit your place of work weekly and clean your dirty bathroom using our bathroom cleaning checklist. Our cleaning team follow our bathroom cleaning checklist to make sure everything is clean and sanitized. That includes the following:
- Check each air freshener and soap dispenser
- Clean toilets, urinals, and sinks
- Manage and restock all paper inventory
- Wipe down surfaces
- Replace dispensers as needed
- Pick up trash
- Use the electrostatic sprayer to coat all surfaces to kill all germs on contact
Protect your customers