Cost Effective Hand Soap & Sanitizer Restocking in San Antonio, Texas
Do you need help setting up a hand hygiene program in San Antonio, Texas? If so, then you need to trust the experts from Enviro-Master Services of San Antonio, TX. At Enviro-Master Services of San Antonio, we will always place your needs ahead of our own. By doing so, we can help you protect your employees, customers, and business partners. If we can minimize your risk of viral transmission using our hand hygiene program, hand soap, and hand sanitizers, we can help you keep your business open. We offer advanced dispensers and a weekly restocking service to ensure your hand hygiene needs are always met. Contact us today to speak to our team!
Hand Hygiene
Why Hand Hygiene is important
- The CDC recommends regular handwashing and hand sanitizer use as some
- Hand Hygiene is an important part of combating the spread of COVID-19 and other pathogens
- OSHA requires that employers provide handwashing facilities and businesses can receive fines and citations for not being in compliance
- It is important that businesses always provide access to hand hygiene products for everyone’s safety
Why Enviro-Master?
- Hand soap is provided FREE when the Hand Hygiene service is used in conjunction with the Restroom Hygiene service
- Save time and money by letting the hygiene experts keep your soap and sanitizer dispensers full
- Make sure your facility remains in compliance with OSHA and other regulatory bodies by staying fully stocked
- Keep employees and customers safe by making sure they have access to hand hygiene products
Improve Your Business Hygiene with Quality Hand Soap and Hand Sanitizer Service
If you have a small business in San Antonio, you have to set up a strong hand hygiene program. At Enviro-Master Services of San Antonio we can help you do that! Learn more about our hand hygiene program below.
Establish a Hand Hygiene Program in San Antonio, TX
A hand hygiene program has been specifically designed to help ensure your customers, business partners, and employees have access to these cleaning solutions and equipment they need to effectively wash their hands. Furthermore, this program will also help you educate members of your staff on what they have to do to wash their hands appropriately.
Which Industries Need a Hand Hygiene Program
A strong hand hygiene program can be applied in just about every industry. All Industries are either in need of updates hand sanitizer dispensers or even foaming hand soap refills, our team will make sure you are stocked up. Some of the most common locations we set up hand hygiene programs in the local area include:
- There are countless fitness centers in the local area that require strong hand hygiene, particularly with so many people sweating in close proximity. Having easily accessible hand sanitizer dispensers is essential for gyms.
- Hand hygiene is important in bars, where people touch the same surfaces frequently. Making sure your bathrooms are stocked with hand soap and other bathroom products will help keep bathroom more sanitary.
- Hand hygiene is also important in the office, where people frequently touch keyboard, door handles, and kitchen equipment. Having either hand sanitizer dispensers or hand soap always available will help make employees feel safer in a cleaner environment while working.
- Of course, everyone has to practice good hand hygiene habits when they use the bathroom.
No matter what industry in which you work, we are confident our hand hygiene program can help you as well. Trust Enviro-Master Services of San Antonio, TX.
Protect your customers