Keep Your Manufacturing Facility Clean & Disinfected with Enviro-Master Services
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A Clean Tradition in Cigar City
When Vicente Martinez Ybor brought commercial cigar manufacturing to Tampa in 1885, the Tampa Bay region established itself as a location that was known for quality hand-rolled cigars crafted by Cuban, Spanish, Italian, German, and Afro-Caribbean immigrants. The distinct communities of Ybor City and West Tampa dominated the cigar trade into the 20th century. Diversified industries and year-round tourism expanded after air conditioning became common.
Since that time, industrial and manufacturing enterprises in Tampa and throughout Hillsborough County have proliferated. A vibrant port hums with activity as the greater Tampa Bay area thrives with its distinct mix of agricultural, commercial, and tourist industries that drive the economy of Florida’s west coast.
What We Do
Pressure Washing Service
Enhance the curb appeal, health, and safety of your business with our Re-Fresh commercial power washing service.
Restroom & Hygiene Service
Restore your commercial restrooms and protect them against common diseases and viruses.
Tile & Grout Deep Cleaning Service
Remove buildup on tile, between grout lines and other surfaces with our unique deep cleaning process.
LEARN MOREA Clean Commitment to Tampa Facilities
Franchises of Enviro-Master Services offer a full array of professional cleaning options for commercial establishments throughout North America. Our certified Health and Safety Technicians have experience performing factory cleaning services, industrial plant cleaning services, and manufacturing plant cleaning services. Technicians are available to meet your restroom cleaning needs, whether you operate a small workshop or manage a larger industrial facility.
Our technicians have the ability to serve either as the primary provider of janitorial restroom cleaning services or to work in partnership with your on-site physical plant and maintenance team. You value the efficient and productive operation of your facilities. Enviro-Master representatives who offer manufacturing cleaning services will assure that clean restrooms enhance the work environment and guarantee that sanitary conditions meet your expectations and best practices for facilities within your industry.
Technicians perform basic restroom cleaning duties, including hand soap refills as well as hand towel and toilet paper restocking service. When circumstances merit it, they can devote extra attention to more detailed cleaning services. These include drain treatment, electrostatic spraying, and tile and grout deep cleaning. Our procedures meet the expectations of all industrial and manufacturing facilities, including those involved in commercial food preparation or production of items in super-clean environments.
A Full Range of Restroom Cleaning Options
Enviro-Master’s Health and Safety Technicians go the extra mile to keep the restrooms clean in your commercial or industrial facility. Our company’s Hand Hygiene Program assures that you have sufficient sanitizers in stock. The Paper Management Program provides a reliable source of toilet paper and paper towels whether your plant runs on a single shift or around the clock.
Technicians restock paper products and sanitizers at each scheduled visit. They examine the facilities and will report any issues that require extra cleaning measures if requested. Drains are checked to assure that they function. Heavy traffic areas with extra dirt or grime receive attention. The electrostatic spraying service kills germs and bacteria and is perfect for all facilities, including those that require enhanced food-safe measures.
Taking Care of Cleaning in Tampa
Choose Enviro-Master Services for your restroom cleaning service needs at your commercial, industrial, or manufacturing facility. We encourage you to contact us to speak to a representative and discover our cost-effective restroom maintenance and soap and paper restocking solutions. We partner with you to handle everything from routine cleaning to deep cleaning projects at your facility.