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Commercial Bathroom Odor Solutions: Bathroom Smells Like Mold

Commercial Bathroom Odor Solutions: Bathroom Smells Like Sewage

A clean, fresh-smelling restroom speaks volumes about a business and how it’s run. Nasty odors can quickly leave a negative impression on your customers. While the restroom may look clean on the surface, there may be some cruddy culprits causing a big stink in your restrooms. When odors persist despite your best efforts, you need commercial bathroom odor solutions. Here are five simple steps to get rid of frustrating odor fast.

What Causes Smells in the First Place

It’s important to understand where a smell is coming from and why before you can tackle it with commercial bathroom odor solutions. Here are four common sources of restroom smells.

1) Urine – Foul odors in commercial restrooms generally come from urine that does not make it into the bowl and ends up on the floor, walls, or sides of toilets and urinals. It becomes food for bacteria that reside on these surfaces, which creates a foul-smelling by-product.
2) Clogged pipes – A toilet or urinal clogged with toilet paper and other organic materials will eventually release a rotting stench as the matter decomposes.
3) Faulty P-trap – Another reason your commercial bathroom smells like sewage could be traced to the curved pipe under the sink. This P-trap creates a seal that traps sewer gas and keeps it from coming through the drain. When the P-trap isn’t working properly, the foul odor from these gases makes its way into the restroom.
4) Floor drains – Like any other clogged drain, these can be a cause for concern, blocking odors and more from heading to the sewer, making your restroom smell like sewage.
5) Dirty grout – Due to the porous nature of grout, cleaning the floor with a mop just won’t be effective enough to snuff out nasty smells. Bacteria, mold, mildew, and urine can be absorbed into the floor and eventually begin to emit odors that could send customers running for the door.

A professional hygiene service like Enviro-Master can help determine the cause and location of your issues.

Commercial Bathroom Odor Solutions

Once the source of the odor is identified, there are several ways to tackle tough smells. A layered approach can be best for commercial bathroom odor control due to the heavy foot traffic and use. Researchers have found that public or commercial restrooms can have as many as 500,000 bacteria in one square inch after only an hour of use! Cleaning these sites properly is a job for professionals.

Regular restroom cleaning

The best offense is a good defense. Regular cleaning and maintenance of a restroom will help prevent mold, mildew, and certain germs and bacteria from getting out of control. Enviro-Master has created an ultimate restroom cleaning checklist to help you make sure the bases are covered.

Deep restroom cleaning

Surface level cleaning will only do so much to remove and prevent odors. A deep-clean needs to be performed on a weekly basis to ensure a healthy and fresh-smelling environment. At Enviro-Master, we call this our Sani-Scrub service. This is the most efficient way to remove odors from the restroom surfaces, as well as germs and bacteria.

Clean drain lines

Drains are often the unseen culprits of commercial bathroom smells. Enviro-Master’s Foaming Drain Line Treatment uses an enzyme bio-active foam, which breaks down odor-producing particles in the drain. When a kitchen or bathroom smells like sewage, drains should be one of the first areas professionals look at for odor treatment, especially for restaurants.

Odor neutralizers

Air fresheners only do so much to mask odors. As part of the Enviro-Master Sani-Service, we use our Virus Vaporizer™ to coat every surface of the restroom with an EPA-registered germicide, which also neutralizes odors on contact.

Scented urinal screens

Urinal screens can help filter and stop debris from clogging drains, which can cause commercial bathroom smells. Enviro-Master offers scented urinal screens that can help deodorize a bathroom. This is a simple solution as part of a layered approach to combating odors.

Trust the Professionals at Enviro-Master Services

Having the restrooms in your business cleaned by the professionals at Enviro-Master Services can keep your facilities smelling fresh and clean. Enviro-Master Services offers comprehensive commercial restroom odor solutions to tackle any and all challenging smells your business may face.

Our restroom hygiene service includes regular maintenance to keep odors at bay. We also provide air freshener products at no additional cost.

For deeper cleans, our Sani-Scrub service gets into the nitty gritty of surfaces like grout to remove the stench from the source. Regardless of how big or small your commercial restroom is, our staff is trained for any size job. We can tailor cleaning schedules to fit your business needs.

To learn more about our services and to get a free estimate, please contact Enviro-Master Services.

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