COVID-19 Restaurant Guidelines in Charlotte, NC

The state of North Carolina continues to move from one phase to the next with its reopening of the economy from COVID-19 and the pandemic overall. The lifting of COVID-19 restrictions continues to allow restaurant facilities to take one step at a time, layering on service to patrons to make their experience as high-quality as possible. For a restaurant owner, it is critical to be well aware of the guidelines specific to Charlotte, North Carolina so you can reopen with confidence.

Current Phase of the COVID-19 Restrictions

The current phase of the COVID-19 restrictions has the state of North Carolina in Phase 3, which will remain in until the middle of November at this time. What this means for a restaurant owner is that you can continue to operate, but with restrictions in place.

Capacity Restrictions and Curfews

A restaurant in Charlotte, North Carolina continues to have the ability to operate with a dine-in capacity at 50%. The dine-in capacity is set up for both indoor as well as outdoor dining locations. In the event that you are operating an outdoor bar or even a basic restaurant, there continues to be a curfew on alcohol sales for any consumption that happens on-site. The curfew remains at 11 p.m.

Mask Requirements

It is required that patrons maintain at least six feet of distance whenever possible. On top of that, cloth face coverings are a requirement when not at the table and actively eating or drinking. E.g. if you have patrons getting up to go to the bathroom, they should be following directional arrows to that location and have a face covering on during the journey.

Cleaning of High-Contact Surfaces

The CDC recommends that high-contact surfaces are something you are cleaning every two-hours. It is always best to use professional cleaning service providers to assist with this. You can have workers doing this, with masks of course, on a routine basis. Hiring professional cleaning service providers like Enviro-Master can also assist to ensure you are getting a deep-clean on a regular basis as well.

Operating a restaurant in Charlotte, North Carolina with the current COVID-19 pandemic guidelines is certainly possible. You want to work to make it safe for patrons and also abide by the state and CDC guidelines along the way. Enviro-Master of can help businesses re-open and stay safe with our COVID cleaning service and bathroom cleaning service. Contact us today to learn more!

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